Knee arthroscopy

What is Knee Arthroscopy? Knee Arthroscopy, a surgical procedure used to solve problems such as pain and movement limitations in the knee, is a frequently preferred method today. This procedure is an endoscopic surgical method used to detect and treat knee problems. While open surgery is needed in advance to diagnose and treat knee problems, these procedures can be performed less invasively thanks to arthroscopy. In this article, we will discuss in detail how the knee arthroscopy procedure is performed, in which cases it is performed, and the important stages of the recovery process.

What is Knee Arthroscopy?

Knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure used to examine and treat the internal structure of the knee. A small device called an arthroscope is used during this procedure. An arthroscope is a tube with a camera and a light source placed in the knee. Thanks to this, the doctor can view any damage or problem in the knee and perform treatment if necessary.

Knee arthroscopy is usually performed to diagnose and treat certain conditions that cause symptoms, such as knee pain, swelling, or movement restrictions. For example, conditions that cause problems such as meniscus tears, cartilage damage around the kneecap, or ligament injuries can be treated with arthroscopy.

Knee arthroscopy is usually performed in a hospital. General or local anesthesia can be applied to the patient. The surgeon inserts the arthroscope by making small incisions into the knee and monitors the images via a screen. If necessary, the surgeon can perform treatment by making additional small incisions. October 1, 2016. When the procedure is completed, the incisions are stitched and the knee is wrapped with a bandage.

Knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure used to better understand and treat damage to the knee.

During this procedure, performed using a device called an arthroscope, the doctor obtains images thanks to a camera and a light source placed in the knee.

Knee arthroscopy is usually performed to diagnose and treat certain conditions that cause knee pain, swelling, or movement restrictions.

How is Knee Arthroscopy Performed?

Knee arthroscopy, it is a surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat problems that occur in the knee joint. In this procedure, the doctor uses a special instrument called an arthroscope. An arthroscope is shaped like a thin tube and has a camera inside. In this way, the doctor can view the inside of the joint and detect problem areas.

Arthroscopy surgery is usually performed under local or general anesthesia. The doctor makes a small incision above the knee joint and inserts the arthroscope through this incision. The arthroscope is placed inside the knee joint, and the doctor checks the inside of the joint using the images reflected on the screen.

During arthroscopy, the doctor can correct problem areas using various surgical instruments. For example, procedures such as meniscus cleaning, cartilage repair or repair of torn ligaments can be performed. Arthroscopy is a less invasive method than traditional open surgery and offers a faster healing process.

Healing Process After Arthroscopy

The healing process after arthroscopy can vary from individual to individual. However, usually patients are discharged on the same day after the operation. A feeling of slight pain and swelling for a few days is normal. The doctor may prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to the patient.

Patients can usually return to their daily activities within a few days. However, the full recovery process may take several weeks. The doctor may recommend that patients do rehabilitation exercises and ask them to participate in physical therapy programs. These programs can help strengthen the knee joint and increase its flexibility.

An important point to be considered after arthroscopy is to provide an appropriate rest period. Activities such as excessive exertion or weight lifting should be avoided. It is also important to follow the doctor's instructions and carry out regular check-ups.

Rehabilitation Process After Knee Arthroscopy

Rehabilitation process after knee arthroscopy is a treatment plan followed so that patients can completely improve knee function and movement after surgical intervention. In this process, it is important for patients to work regularly with physical therapists and do the recommended exercises.

The rehabilitation process usually begins within the first few days after surgery. In the first stage, patients usually take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. They may also use a splint or bandage to support their knees.

In the second stage, the physical therapist will create a patient-specific exercise program and encourage the patient to practice this program regularly. This program usually includes exercises aimed at increasing the range of motion of the knee, improving November muscle strength and endurance. In addition, coordination and balance exercises are also performed to help gradually return to normal activities.

Regular use of medications

Proper fitting and use of splints or bandages

Regular participation in physical therapy sessions

Regular follow-up of the exercise and movement program

Avoiding overly demanding activities

Compliance with the recommendations of the doctor and physical therapist

In Which Cases Knee Arthroscopy is Performed ?

Knee arthroscopy, it is a surgical procedure used for the diagnosis and treatment of knee problems. This procedure is usually performed to determine the cause of damage to the knee joint. Knee arthroscopy is also an effective method for eliminating cartilage tears, ligament injuries, meniscus problems, in short, various problems of the knee joint.

In the practice of knee arthroscopy, it is usually preferable for the patient to be under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the inner part of the knee joint and inserts a thin tube called an arthroscope into it. Through an arthroscope, the surgeon can view the inside of the knee joint and use small surgical instruments to repair problem areas or perform surgical interventions.

Knee arthroscopy may require a significant rehabilitation process. During this process, it is often recommended that patients participate in a physical therapy and exercise program. Physical therapy helps to strengthen the knee joint and increase its flexibility. In addition, it is important for patients to carefully adapt to the recovery process after the operation.

Knee Arthroscopy Important Stages of the Healing Process

Knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat problems in the knee joint. This procedure is performed using a device called an arthroscope. An arthroscope is in the form of a tube containing a small camera and a lighting system, allowing the surgeon to clearly see the inside of the knee joint.

Knee arthroscopy is usually performed in the following cases:

Knee pain and swelling

Meniscus tear

Frozen shoulder

Knee cartilage damage

Knee arthroscopy involves important stages in the healing process. The first stage begins immediately after the operation and usually lasts for several weeks. During this time, the wound heals and the swelling decreases. The second stage includes physiotherapy and rehabilitation exercises. These exercises help strengthen the knee and restore mobility. The third stage aims at full recovery and return to normal activities. At this stage, the individual is allowed to return to the activities of daily living.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is knee arthroscopy?

Knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure performed using an arthroscope to examine and treat the knee more closely.

How is knee arthroscopy performed?

Knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that is usually performed under local or general anesthesia. Small incisions are made and the string is entered using a device called an arthroscope. The internal structure of the index is examined and the necessary treatments are applied.

What is the rehabilitation process after knee arthroscopy?

The rehabilitation process after knee arthroscopy includes treatments to strengthen the knee after surgical intervention, restore mobility and accelerate recovery. This process may include physiotherapy sessions, exercise programs and regular follow-up checks.

In which cases is knee arthroscopy performed?

Knee arthroscopy can be applied for various conditions such as knee pain, cartilage damage, meniscus tear, ligament tears, knee infections.

What are the important stages of the knee arthroscopy recovery process?

Important stages in the healing process of knee arthroscopy are: postoperative rest and wound care, physiotherapy and rehabilitation exercises, muscle strengthening and flexibility exercises, gradually returning to normal activities and regular follow-up checks. November 1, 2019.

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