Face - Neck Lift

Face - Neck Lifting operation is an aesthetic procedure preferred by many people who want to cope with the symptoms of aging. This procedure is a surgical intervention performed to correct sagging in the face and neck area and to provide rejuvenation. The Face - Neck Lifting operation should be performed by a specialist plastic surgeon and should be planned individually, taking into account the general health status of the individual. In this blog post, you can learn more about what a Face - Neck Lift operation is, how it is performed, the results, who it can be applied to, and the risks of the operation.

What is a Face - Neck Lift?

Face - Neck Lifting is a plastic surgery procedure performed to eliminate the signs of aging and achieve a more youthful appearance. This procedure is performed to restore skin elasticity in the face and neck areas and to correct wrinkles caused by sagging.

This operation is a type of surgery in which sagging and wrinkles on the skin in the face and neck area are corrected, usually due to the aging process. Aging causes the muscles and tissues under the skin to weaken, the skin November lose its elasticity and sag under the influence of gravity. Face - Neck Lifting operation is an effective solution for the elimination of these problems.

During the operation, the surgeon tries to achieve the desired results by stretching the facial skin and removing excess fat and tissues when necessary. In addition, the procedure is also performed to remove November muscles and tissue sagging in the neck area. Face - Neck Lifting operation is generally preferred among adult individuals who want to gain a young and healthy appearance. Dec.

How is Face - Neck Lifting Done?

Face and neck lifting is a popular aesthetic operation among people who want to Decelerate the signs of aging and rejuvenate. This operation aims to remove sagging and wrinkles on the skin. How is face and neck lifting done? Here are the details:

Preparation: Before the operation, a meeting is held between the patient and the doctor. Dec. The patient tells about his expectations, and the doctor explains the operation process in detail. In addition, the patient's general health condition and allergic reactions, if any, or medication use are also evaluated.

Anesthesia: The face and neck lifting operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. Thanks to this, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort during the operation.

Incision: Before the operation begins, the doctor determines the necessary incision points in the face and/or neck area. These incision points are usually located in the scalp or on the hairline. Thanks to this, the incision marks will be less visible.

Skin Removal: After the incision is made, the doctor carefully works to remove the skin. Sagging and loosened skin tissue is reshaped and stretched.

Stitches and Healing: After the operation, the doctor makes stitches and the patient is awakened. The patient is kept under supervision for a certain period of time, and during this time the healing process begins. Although the healing process varies from person to person, it usually takes about 2 weeks.

Results of Face - Neck Lifting Operation

Many people who have face and neck lifting operations prefer this procedure in order to get a younger and fresher appearance. Thanks to this operation, the signs of aging, sagging and wrinkles are removed, while the tissues in the face and neck area tighten. The results of the operation may differ depending on the skin structure and aging process of each individual. But usually after the operation, a significant change and rejuvenation is observed on the person's face and neck area.

One of the most obvious results of the face - neck lifting operation is the reduction of sagging skin. Due to the loss of elasticity in the skin with the aging process, the sagging and loosening areas tighten with the operation and gain a tense appearance. After the operation, the facial features become more pronounced, while the signs of aging in the neck area are also eliminated. In this way, the person will have a younger and more dynamic appearance.

In addition, another important result of the face - neck lifting operation is the reduction of wrinkles. During the operation, excess tissues on the skin are removed, while wrinkles are also corrected. Wrinkles, especially on the forehead and around the eyes, are noticeably reduced. Thus, the person gets a younger and more vigorous appearance. At the same time, the smoothness of the skin increases after the operation and the skin tone becomes more homogeneous.

The results of the face - neck lifting operation may differ from person to person. The recovery process and results after the operation may vary depending on the person's age, skin structure, condition before the operation, and the surgeon's ability and experience. For this reason, it is important to discuss your expectations and results with your doctor in detail before the operation.


Reduction of sagging skin

Correction of wrinkles

Clarification of facial features

Elimination of signs of aging in the neck area

Increased skin smoothness

Who Can Face - Neck Lifting be Applied to?

Who Can Face - Neck Lifting Be Applied to?

Face - The neck lift procedure is a plastic surgery procedure performed to alleviate the signs of aging and create a rejuvenation effect. So, to whom can this operation be applied? Here are the candidates suitable for face -neck lifting operation:

Those with signs of aging: Anyone with sagging, wrinkles, relaxation or excess fat deposits on the face and neck can be a candidate for face -neck lifting surgery.

Healthy individuals: Face - neck lifting operation is usually applied to healthy individuals. Those who have a serious health problem should consult with their doctors in detail before the operation.

Those with realistic expectations: Individuals with realistic expectations about the results that will occur after the operation are suitable candidates for face - neck lifting surgery.

Face - neck lifting operation can benefit many people. However, since the situation of each individual is different, it is important to meet with a specialist before the operation and make a detailed assessment.

Risks of Face - Neck Lifting Operation

Face-Neck Lifting Operation is a plastic surgery procedure performed to eliminate the signs of aging. This operation removes sagging in the face and neck area and provides a younger, dynamic and fresh appearance. But like any surgical intervention, Face-Neck Lifting Operation also has some risks.

The first of these is the risk of infection. The risk of infection may increase if the materials used in the hospital or operating room are not sterile or if adequate hygiene measures are not taken after surgery. Infection can prolong the healing process as a result of the operation and lead to serious complications.

In addition, problems related to blood circulation, such as bleeding and hematoma, are also among the risks of the operation.

In addition, problems related to blood circulation, such as bleeding and hematoma, are also included Dec. Bleeding may occur during or after surgery due to damage to blood vessels. A hematoma may occur due to blood accumulation or clotting problems. These conditions may prolong the healing process and October may cause the need for additional interventions.

In addition, the risk of anesthesia should not be October. The Face-Neck Lifting Operation is usually performed under general anesthesia, and complications may occur due to anesthesia. The sensitivity of patients to anesthesia and their health status may be effective in the degree of risks.

In order to minimize the risks of the Face-Neck Lifting Operation, it is important that it is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon. Before the operation, the patient should talk to the doctor in detail, and information should be obtained about the process of undergoing surgery and the risks after it. In addition, it is also important to strictly follow the instructions given by the doctor after the operation and to be careful during the recovery process.

Risk of infection

Risk of bleeding and hematoma

Risk of anesthesia

Risks of Face-Neck Lifting

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Face -Neck Lift?

Face - Neck lifting is a surgical operation performed to correct sagging in the face and neck area caused by causes such as aging, gravity and skin sagging. With this operation, the skin is made more tense, the effects of aging are reduced and rejuvenation is achieved.

How is Face - Neck Lifting Done?

Face - Neck lifting operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. The skin is cut and the fat, muscles and tissues underneath are processed. November 1, 2016. After the skin is stretched, the excess skin is removed by cutting and closed with stitches. During the operation, the facial expression is not distorted, a natural appearance is obtained.

Results of Face - Neck Lifting Operation

As a result of Face -neck lifting operation, skin tightening, wrinkles removal, jawline clarification, neck sagging correction and a younger appearance are achieved. The results become more noticeable during the postoperative recovery process and maintain their permanence.

Who Can Face - Neck Lifting Be Applied to?

The Face - Neck lifting operation can be applied to anyone with signs of aging and skin sagging. It is usually preferred by people aged 40 and older.

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

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