Aortic valve replacement

Aortic valve diseases are abnormalities that occur on the aortic valve in the heart. These diseases can often be caused by aging or innate factors. Aortic valve replacement is a surgical method used in the treatment of these diseases. In this blog post, interesting topics related to aortic valve diseases and changes will be discussed. Topics such as how aortic valve replacement is performed, which examinations are performed, what should be considered after the operation and whether this surgery is risky will be discussed.

What are aortic valve diseases?

Aortic valve diseases are problems that occur in the heart valve, called the aortic valve. The aortic valve performs the function of closing the aorta, which is the main artery leaving the heart. This valve opens with the contraction of the heart and allows blood to be pumped to the aorta. But in some cases, the aortic valve either narrows or leaks. In this case, aortic valve diseases occur.

Aortic valve diseases are usually seen in two types. These are; aortic stenosis and aortic insufficiency. In aortic stenosis, the aortic valve is narrowed and the passage of blood through the aorta becomes difficult. In this case, the heart is forced to pump the blood by exerting more force. In aortic insufficiency, the aortic valve does not close sufficiently and there is a backward flow of blood.

Aortic valve diseases may not cause symptoms at the beginning, but various symptoms may occur in the later period. These include symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, fainting sensation, fatigue, edema Dec. If you are experiencing symptoms of aortic valve disease, it is important to consult a cardiologist.

Aortic valve diseases: These are problems that can occur in the aortic valve.

Aortic stenosis: The aortic valve is narrowed and the passage of blood through the aorta becomes difficult.

Aortic insufficiency: The aortic valve does not close enough and there is a backward flow of blood.

Symptoms: Symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, fainting sensation, fatigue, edema.

Cardiologist: If symptoms of aortic valve disease are experienced, a specialist should be consulted.

How is aortic valve replacement performed?

Aortic valve replacement is a surgical procedure performed due to problems occurring in the aortic valve. The aortic valve is a valve that allows blood to be pumped from the left ventricle of the heart to the aorta. However, in some cases, deformations or constrictions of the valve may occur and this may adversely affect heart function. In these cases, an aortic valve replacement operation may be required.

Aortic valve replacement is usually performed by cardiac surgery specialists. During the operation, the patient's heart is stopped under general anesthesia and access to the aortic valve in the left ventricle is provided. The old cover is removed and a biological or mechanical cover is installed in its place. Biological caps are usually made of animal tissue, while mechanical caps are made of materials such as titanium or carbon.

Since the aortic valve replacement procedure is a very detailed and sensitive surgical procedure, a series of examinations and examinations must be performed. First of all, the patient's general health condition and heart function are evaluated. Examinations such as ECG, echocardiography, chest X-ray are performed. In addition, tubes or catheters can be used to assess the preoperative condition of the heart. These examinations are important for the surgical team to determine whether the patient is suitable for the operation.

Performing preoperative examinations

Informing the patient and his family

Preparing for surgery

Anesthesia administration

Performing an aortic valve replacement operation

Patient care and recovery process

What examinations are performed for an aortic valve replacement?

Aortic valve replacement, it is a surgical procedure performed in case of damage or deterioration of a valve of the heart called the aortic valve. Before this procedure, various tests are performed to accurately assess the disease. These examinations provide information about the patient's physical health and heart function and help with treatment planning.

Among the examinations that must be performed for aortic valve replacement, Decently a detailed examination of the health history is included. Factors such as heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension that the patient has previously had are part of this assessment. In addition, a physical examination is performed on the patient and vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate are evaluated.

In addition, laboratory tests necessary for aortic valve replacement are performed. Blood tests are used to check the patient's blood structure, kidney function, electrolyte balance and whether there is an infection. In addition, the electrical activity of the heart is examined by ECG (electrocardiography), and echocardiography evaluates the size of the heart November, aortic valve functions and other structural anomalies, if any.

List of Tests:

Health history assessment

Physical examination

Blood tests

ECG (electrocardiography)


What to pay attention to after aortic valve replacement

Things to be considered after aortic valve replacement, it is important to have a healthy recovery process after this serious surgical process. During this period, the patient must strictly follow the instructions given by the doctor. Otherwise, complications may arise.

The patient needs rest after aortic valve replacement. Therefore, physical activities should be limited. Vaccinations should also be performed regularly if recommended by a doctor.

Nutrition of the patient is also important after aortic valve replacement. The doctor's recommendations should be followed for an adequate and balanced nutrition program. It is important to drink plenty of water, consume fiber-rich foods and follow a low-sodium diet.

Is aortic valve replacement a risky surgery?

Aortic valve replacement is a surgical procedure that is often performed in patients with aortic valve disease. This procedure is performed in cases where blood flow is disrupted due to damage or narrowing of the aortic valve. Aortic valve replacement is a serious surgical procedure and involves some risks. In general, aortic valve replacement is considered a risky surgery, but these risks may vary depending on factors such as the patient's general health condition and the experience of surgery.

Examinations for aortic valve replacement are performed in order to assess the general health status of the patient and determine whether he is suitable for surgery. These examinations usually include methods such as blood tests, electrocardiography, echocardiography and computed tomography. These examinations are important for the surgeon to be able to make the correct diagnosis and treatment plan.

There are some points to be considered after aortic valve replacement. First of all, it is necessary not to neglect regular doctor's checks in order to monitor the health status in the postoperative period. It is also important to regularly use the medications recommended by the surgeon and follow the postoperative instructions. During the postoperative recovery process, resting and not overexerting the body is also an important consideration.

Risk of infection after surgery

Bleeding or clotting problems

Risks associated with anesthesia

Permanent or temporary nerve damage

Risk of heart attack or stroke

Frequently Asked Questions

What are aortic valve diseases?

Aortic valve diseases refer to conditions in which the aortic valve does not function properly. They are usually studied in two main groups as aortic valve stenosis (stenosis) and aortic valve insufficiency (leakage).

How is aortic valve replacement performed?

Aortic valve replacement is a surgical procedure and is usually performed as an open-heart surgery. Taking into account the condition of the heart and the patient's medical history, usually the heart is stopped, the damaged aortic valve is removed and a new valve is inserted.

What tests are performed for aortic valve replacement?

Various tests are performed to assess the patient's heart function and general health status before aortic valve replacement. These include blood tests, ECG, echocardiography, chest X-ray, coronary angiography, etc. Dec. it can take place.

What are the things to be considered after aortic valve replacement?

Patients are usually followed up in intensive care for some time after aortic valve replacement. Factors such as regular use of medications, prevention against infections, regular check-ups and lifestyle changes are among those that should be considered Decently in the postoperative period.

Is aortic valve replacement a risky surgery?

Aortic valve replacement is a serious surgical procedure and has some risks. These include factors such as infection, bleeding, heart rhythm disorders, anesthesia risks Dec. However, the risks can be minimized when performed by a specialized cardiac surgeon.

Who is the suitable candidate for aortic valve replacement?

Suitable candidates for aortic valve replacement are usually patients with aortic valve disease and experiencing symptoms. In addition, it is decided by taking into account the general health status and heart function of the patient with aortic valve stenosis or insufficiency.

How is the quality of life affected after aortic valve replacement?

After aortic valve replacement, the patients' quality of life usually improves. Symptoms decrease or disappear completely, and heart function improves. Despite this, regular checkups, medication use and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are important.

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

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